USTA and Tencap


  • Competitive matches and tournaments at the local level in the Heart of America Missouri Valley local region

  • USTA competitive play is organized by level according to the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) and leagues and teams are coordinated by the local USTA coordinators

  • USTA competitive leagues include mixed, doubles, singles and tri-level leagues and age group leagues doubles and singles
  • Elite members who captain USTA teams of varying levels and can help answer questions
  • Learn more about USTA HERE


  • Club affiliated league, for members only

  • Elite members can get involved through club participation and meeting members to connect to other players who play and captain
  • Ratings fall within the range of play for that level
  • Current captains and players should always communicate with each other for upcoming season plans, questions, etc. For a new team, refer to our current captain list
  • Please reach to Maria Andrew with any questions
  • Learn more about Tencap HERE



  • Captains are ambassadors of Elite and should always communicate well with their players and other captains, and be inclusive and kind with teams and fellow captains
  • Captains communicate with their current team any plans for the next season and where their players’ participation stands as well as all instructions and information regarding fees, etc.
  • Captains communicate with Maria Andrew on behalf of their players regarding any new registrations, questions, concerns, etc.
  • The recommended amount of players per team is 6-12 
  • Captains will develop and maintain accurate rosters, pairings and the schedule throughout the season
  • It is the captain’s responsibility to communicate with the visiting club’s captains for home matches and input all scores
  • Please reach to Maria Andrew with interest in being a captain with a roster of players  
  • Captains are responsible for registering the team after approval