Elite Wellness Center

Dr. James Filberth, BS, DC, CCSP
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
With over four decades of clinical practice and teaching, Dr. Filberth is considered by many to be an expert in sports medicine and holistic wellness care. From weekend warriors to Olympic Gold Medalists, he excels at finding the best type of treatment required to meet a patient’s individual needs. As the clinical director of the Elite Wellness Center, he offers a variety of health and wellness services, including several therapy/treatment options and educational services such as:
· Sports Medicine
· Lifestyle & Preventative Medicine
· Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
· Clinical Acupuncture & Dry Needling
· Therapeutic Massage Therapy
· Science-Based Nutritional Therapy
· Weight Management & Fitness Training
· Prevention, Wellness and Sports Performance Classes
· Stress Reduction & Meditation Training
· Medical Specialist Referral Services
Dr. Filberth received his Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine from National University of Health Sciences in Chicago, Illinois. He completed his internship and three years of Family Practice training at the National Patient and Research Center in Lombard, Illinois.
His post-graduate Sports Medicine studies were continued at Northwestern Health Sciences University of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Cleveland University in Kansas City.
As a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and a Chiropractic Internist, he has maintained a successful natural alternative family practice with an emphasis in preventative and performance Sports Medicine for over 40 years. In addition, Dr. Filberth is certified in physical impairment rating by the American Medical Association and Clinical Acupuncture for pain management.
With all his training and experience, the emphasis of his practice still remains with Preventative Health Care. As a result, his practice offers the most comprehensive wellness program known as “The Wellness Score”. This has revolutionized the way patients eat, exercise, and think. All new patients to the Wellness Center at Elite will have this unique opportunity to take control of their own health and wellness future.
We look forward to empowering you to achieve your own health, wellness and athletic goals.